That greatest of all American traditions – the Black Friday Thursday stampede, this year accompanied with a stabbing and a shooting, is back. A quick review
Saturday, November 30, 2013
Thursday, November 28, 2013
JFK 'Magic Bullet Theory' In Spotlight
Among the melee of conspiracy theories that have risen and fallen in the years since the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy, one theory has remained the focus of intense debate: the single-bullet theory.
Thanksgiving and the Blessings of Liberty
Although many holidays have broad international appeal, Thanksgiving — arguably America's second-favorite holiday after Christmas — is celebrated only in the United States and Canada
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Brittany Murphy's Death a Conspiracy? Mom says "Rediculous"
Brittany Murphy's mom says dad's conspiracy theories over actress' death all ...
Fox News
A source close to the late actress talked to FOX411 and backed Sharon Murphy's claims, and referred to the conspiracy theories as "ridiculous." In multiple interviews, Davis and Bertolotti have vowed that their relentless pursuit in unearthing the ...
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Fox News
A source close to the late actress talked to FOX411 and backed Sharon Murphy's claims, and referred to the conspiracy theories as "ridiculous." In multiple interviews, Davis and Bertolotti have vowed that their relentless pursuit in unearthing the ...
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Are we REALLY fighting a war on terror?
A teenager from Chicago ensnared in a phony bomb plot concocted by the FBI is a pawn in a "fake war on terror," according to his lawyer, Thomas Durkin. On Tuesday, Durkin filed court papers portraying U.S. intelligence agencies as rogue entities exploiting a manufactured war on terror to circumvent the Constitution.
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
State Attorney's Report: Undercut Conspiracy Theories
State's Attorney's Report Undercuts Conspiracy Theories
The Newtown Bee
Since the morning of the shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School, "Truthers" and other conspiracy theorists have tried to put their own spin on the events that happened at the school. Among the biggest questions that have been raised in the past year ...
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The Newtown Bee
Since the morning of the shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School, "Truthers" and other conspiracy theorists have tried to put their own spin on the events that happened at the school. Among the biggest questions that have been raised in the past year ...
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The Conspiracy Files
The Conspiracy Files: JFK and 9/11 - the fifth estate - CBC News
Whether it's the assassination of JFK or the events of 9/11, when national tragedies occur they trigger painful soul-searching. Fifty years after the American ...
Whether it's the assassination of JFK or the events of 9/11, when national tragedies occur they trigger painful soul-searching. Fifty years after the American ...
More on Brittany Murphy's Death, Husband
Simon Monjack Pal Rejects Brittany Murphy Murder Theory: Claims Delusional ...
Radar Online
The husband of late actress Brittany Murphy was a "delusional" conspiracy theorist who disappeared after 9/11 and bizarrely later claimed he'd been working as a secret government advisor to then British Prime Minister Tony Blair, a close pal has revealed.
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Radar Online
The husband of late actress Brittany Murphy was a "delusional" conspiracy theorist who disappeared after 9/11 and bizarrely later claimed he'd been working as a secret government advisor to then British Prime Minister Tony Blair, a close pal has revealed.
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I Fear For What’s Coming” – 68 Percent Of Americans Believe The Country Is On The Wrong Track
Are you deeply concerned about the future of America? Is something in your gut telling you that our system is fundamentally broken and that the mainstream media is not telling you the truth about what is happening?
Monday, November 25, 2013
JFK-Nikita Khrushchev Relationship Explained By Khrushchev's Granddaughter
Nina Khrushcheva, the granddaughter of former Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev, joined HuffPost Live on the 50th anniversary of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy to dispel myths about the Kennedy-Khrushchev relationship.
Robert Kennedy believed in conspiracy surrounding JFK's Assassination
Robert F. Kennedy saw conspiracy in JFK's assassination
Boston Globe
Harris Wofford, who was JFK's civil rights adviser in the White House and knew RFK intimately, was the first of the Kennedy inner circle to raise the prospect publicly that RFK felt some responsibility for his brother's assassination. "I think he ...
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Boston Globe
Harris Wofford, who was JFK's civil rights adviser in the White House and knew RFK intimately, was the first of the Kennedy inner circle to raise the prospect publicly that RFK felt some responsibility for his brother's assassination. "I think he ...
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Have you seen it? Unmarked Gray Helicopter Drone
Infowars has obtained a photograph of an unmarked gray helicopter drone manufactured by Northrop Grumman which could be used to spy on Americans domestically. See it here
Are we losing the right to defend ourselves?
The natural right of self defense supersedes all other rights and nullifies the state's monopoly on violence.
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Zuckerberg speaks on Immigration
During an exclusive interview with "This Week," Facebook CEO and founder Mark Zuckerberg criticized the current U.S. immigration system and framed comprehensive reform as a major civil rights issue.
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Friday, November 22, 2013
5 Sports Conspiracy Theories
Five sports conspiracy theories that still make you wonder
As much as Oliver Stone's 1991 film JFK tried to prove a case for a massive conspiracyand cover up, there a likelihood that the farther we get away from the historical tragedy, the less we'll end up figuring out. While none of them have anywhere near ...
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As much as Oliver Stone's 1991 film JFK tried to prove a case for a massive conspiracyand cover up, there a likelihood that the farther we get away from the historical tragedy, the less we'll end up figuring out. While none of them have anywhere near ...
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Free Speech in Dealy Plaza
The free speech war continues in Dallas, on the 50th anniversary of JFK's assassination
Watch the "other" JFK Assassination Video
Watch as the secret service agent was ordered back
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Listen to the tapes
Audio from police and Air Force One captures the chaos of Nov. 22, 1963.
Gun debate still the same
Gun Control Debate Continues 50 Years After JFK Assassination
The Truth Movement Gains Ground
9/11 Truth Movement Makes Major Advances in 2013, Supports JFK ...
Sacramento Bee
WASHINGTON, Nov. 21, 2013 -- /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The 9/11 Truth Movement made major strides in 2013, and is calling for full disclosure of all records relating to the events of September 11 and to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
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Sacramento Bee
WASHINGTON, Nov. 21, 2013 -- /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The 9/11 Truth Movement made major strides in 2013, and is calling for full disclosure of all records relating to the events of September 11 and to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
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Hospital hold girl hostage
A 15-year-old Connecticut girl remains held by Boston Children's Hospital, a victim of the hospital's "kidnap and ransom" operation, traditionally called "K&R." K&R is not usually seen in hospitals, and that's what makes this story so bizarre and disturbing.
JFK Theories go Mainstreem
A solid majority of Americans have always believed that John F. Kennedy's assassination involved a conspiracy.
But now that view is starting to be discussed by mainstream power players.
Current Secretary of State John Kerry said recently:
To this day, I have serious doubts that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. I certainly have doubts that he was motivated by himself.
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Most Popular Conspiracy Theories, Most Obscure
Conspiracy Theories: Most Popular, Most Obscure, More
NBC4 Washington
Despite the Warren Commission's 1964 conclusion that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone, most Americans believe that there was a wider conspiracy to assassinate President John F. Kennedy. There is little agreement, however, on who could have arranged ...
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NBC4 Washington
Despite the Warren Commission's 1964 conclusion that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone, most Americans believe that there was a wider conspiracy to assassinate President John F. Kennedy. There is little agreement, however, on who could have arranged ...
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JFK: New Evidence and Testimony emerge on assassination
Fake Employment Numbers and more LIES
Fake employment numbers and more economic lies
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
The Official JFK Conspiracy Theory
For the official JFK conspiracy theory here
9-11 Conspiracy Theorists are STOOPID?
9- 11 Conspiracy Theorists are SEW STOOPID! - Topix You people just can't accept the REALITY that America-hating, Israel-hating muslim extremists murdered all of those people, ... You people just can't accept the REALITY that America-hating, Israel-hating muslim extremists murdered all of those people, ...
California Gun Confiscation
Gun confiscation in California?
Pre-Election Job Report Was Faked
The 2012 Pre-Election job report faked to help re-election.
Monday, November 18, 2013
Detention Pods at Airports
TSA rolls out Detention Pods at Airports
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Thousands Protest Press Credibility
Press credibility under fire, sparks protests
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Constitution Needs to be Repealed
A full-time professor at Texas A&M University's School of Law called for the repeal of the Second Amendment yesterday, a view not popular with students at the university.
JFK Assassination Spawned Conspiracy Industry
JFK assassination spawned conspiracy theory industry
He cites much closer CIA tracking of Oswald, well before the assassination, than the agency initially admitted. Morley said Bobby Kennedy, Jackie Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, military leaders and other insiders privately suspected the government conspiracy.
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He cites much closer CIA tracking of Oswald, well before the assassination, than the agency initially admitted. Morley said Bobby Kennedy, Jackie Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, military leaders and other insiders privately suspected the government conspiracy.
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Strange Death Ruled Suicide? Are you kidding me?
MI6 spy death ruled suicide? Watch this video
Friday, November 15, 2013
Majority still believe in JFK Conspiracy
Despite misleading headlines in some quarters, a clear majority of Americans still believe that president John F. Kennedy was killed as part of a conspiracy involving entities and individuals other than Lee Harvey Oswald.
Obama a Dictator?
In a desperate bid to save the rapidly collapsing Obamacare socialized medicine program, President Obama announced a "fix" yesterday that would "allow" health insurance companies to avoid cancelling whatever plans haven't already been cancelled due to Obamacare itself.
JFK: Conspiracy Theories Will Not Die
Who killed Kennedy? Conspiracy theories that will not die
CBS News
He defected to the Soviet Union, returned to the United States with a Russian-born wife, and tried to get Soviet and Cuban visas before assassinating President John F. Kennedy. Fifty years later, only a quarter of Americans are convinced that Lee ...
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CBS News
He defected to the Soviet Union, returned to the United States with a Russian-born wife, and tried to get Soviet and Cuban visas before assassinating President John F. Kennedy. Fifty years later, only a quarter of Americans are convinced that Lee ...
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The Fed Reserve Monetizing Debt?
The Federal Reserve is creating hundreds of billions of dollars out of thin air and using that money to buy U.S. government debt and mortgage-backed securities and take them out of circulation.
Obama a Dictator
In a desperate bid to save the rapidly collapsing Obamacare socialized medicine program, President Obama announced a "fix" yesterday that would "allow" health insurance companies to avoid cancelling whatever plans haven't already been cancelled due to Obamacare itself.
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Treaty for One World Economy
Obama's Treaty will create a One World Economy
Agenda of the Police State
In my last column I emphasized that it was important for American citizens to demand to know what the real agendas are behind the wars of choice by the Bush and Obama regimes.
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Threat to Internet Freedom
Globalist Treaty threatens Internet Freedom
Secret DHS Spy Network Exposed
Government documents obtained exclusively by Infowars expose massive DHS domestic spy grid designed to track citizens in real time through mega government databases.
Do conspiracy theories Devalue the Search for Truth?
Keller @ Large: Conspiracy Theories Devalue Search For Truth
CBS Local
BOSTON (CBS) — As we move through this month of commemoration of the 50th anniversary of President Kennedy's assassination, you will be hearing quite a bit about the many theories that the crime was the product of a conspiracy, not the work of a lone ...
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CBS Local
BOSTON (CBS) — As we move through this month of commemoration of the 50th anniversary of President Kennedy's assassination, you will be hearing quite a bit about the many theories that the crime was the product of a conspiracy, not the work of a lone ...
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The 9/11 Conspiracy
The 9/11 Conspiracy.... - JerzeeDevil Forums
I know this is not the echo chamber for political stuff. So let's try to keep this scientific. I have known about a group of architects and engineers organising to put ...
I know this is not the echo chamber for political stuff. So let's try to keep this scientific. I have known about a group of architects and engineers organising to put ...
Americans more interested in Guns than Obamacare
It would appear that the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) website - required when purchasing a gun or explosive – is capable of handling large volumes of users…
Seattle Police Deactivate Spy Grid
Following a privacy outcry concerning a wi-fi "mesh network" being installed in Seattle with DHS funding that has the capability of recording the last 1,000 locations of anyone in its vicinity, the Seattle Police Department announced last night that it is temporarily deactivating the network.
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Lance Dehaven-Smith New Book
Lance DeHaven-Smith on Alex Jones Show about Conspiracy... Get the book here: Professor and author Lance ... |
9/11 Staged By Bush Admin
Keller @ Large: Conspiracy Theories Devalue Search For Truth
CBS Local
According to polls, millions of Americans believe that Hillary Clinton planned the murder of a colleague, that 9-11 was staged by the Bush administration, and most recently, that President Obama is secretly plotting to tear up the constitution and ...
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CBS Local
According to polls, millions of Americans believe that Hillary Clinton planned the murder of a colleague, that 9-11 was staged by the Bush administration, and most recently, that President Obama is secretly plotting to tear up the constitution and ...
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Monday, November 11, 2013
US Soldiers being killed by terror groups backed by US Dollars
The United States has paid more than $150 million to companies in Afghanistan that are accused of helping to finance terrorist attacks on American soldiers and facilities, according to the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction.
President should resign over Health Care Failure
The Obamacare Debacle Should Have Obama And Biden Seriously ...
If he cannot prevent the botch of Obamacare from becoming a blunder the honorable course for President Obama is to resign, together with his vice president, from office. Let John Boehner — next in line of succession — assume the office of the ...
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If he cannot prevent the botch of Obamacare from becoming a blunder the honorable course for President Obama is to resign, together with his vice president, from office. Let John Boehner — next in line of succession — assume the office of the ...
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Prosecutor will go to jail
Prosecutor will do time for sending an innocent man to jail
USA Airspace to be filled with drones
Plans to have drones flying the skies over US
John Kerry: "Oswald did not act alone."
John Kerry's comments on the JFK Assassination
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Inspecting Gun Owners Homes
In Massachusetts, a bureaucrat wants police to enter private residences and "safeguard" guns under the pretense that violating the Constitution will be good for the children.
Expose the Bilderberg Group
Expose the Bilderberg / Illuminati | Home | Planet Infowars
Lets share and compare info to expose the Bilderberg group, the illuminati and the corrupt Government systems. Lets fight for our rights to exist, to live in ...
Lets share and compare info to expose the Bilderberg group, the illuminati and the corrupt Government systems. Lets fight for our rights to exist, to live in ...
Police Killing Civilians
US Police Have Killed Over 5,000 Civilians Since 9/11 : conspiracy
From JFK, UFOs, gulf of Tonkin and of course 9/11. This is a forum for free thinking - not hate speech. Respect other views and opinions, keep an open mind.
From JFK, UFOs, gulf of Tonkin and of course 9/11. This is a forum for free thinking - not hate speech. Respect other views and opinions, keep an open mind.
9/11 Was An Inside Job, and other Conspiracy Theories
'They' did this!
Boston Globe
More recent conspiracy theories, from the supposed murder of Vince Foster to "9/11was an inside job" to insinuations about missing birth certificates, are also rooted in a callow refusal to get real. Fifty years later, it is hard to convey how most ...
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Boston Globe
More recent conspiracy theories, from the supposed murder of Vince Foster to "9/11was an inside job" to insinuations about missing birth certificates, are also rooted in a callow refusal to get real. Fifty years later, it is hard to convey how most ...
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Saturday, November 9, 2013
The Benghazi Conspiracy
The Benghazi Conspiracy Is Too Good a Story Not to Be Told
The Atlantic Wire
It seems like such an amazing story: Ambassador Chris Stevens killed on the anniversary of 9/11; confusion and explosions under cover of night. The idea that somehow the Obama administration made things worse by either hiding its failures or, in more ...
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The Atlantic Wire
It seems like such an amazing story: Ambassador Chris Stevens killed on the anniversary of 9/11; confusion and explosions under cover of night. The idea that somehow the Obama administration made things worse by either hiding its failures or, in more ...
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LAX Shooter Mad, Leaves NWO note
The LAX Shooter angry at intrusive security screenings, leaves note about NWO
Kim's Illuminati Denial Rant
Kim Kardashian Rants on Twitter, Denies being illuminati
Seniors Lose Big Under Obamacare
Seniors lose Insurance and Doctors under Obamacare.
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Obamacare Website Problems, Insurance Companies.
Interest in Obamacare rises despite website problems: Reuters ... Reuters The poll's findings are good news for Obamacare supporters who worry the problems and bad press could dissuade people from signing up, particularly the ...
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Obamacare's Insurance Cancellations: A Feature, Not a Bug Businessweek In Obamacare's central bargain, insurance companies agreed to stop turning people away or charging them more for being sick, in exchange for everyone ...
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ObamaCare Goes Hollywood for Hispanics Wall Street Journal With a disastrous ObamaCare website rollout and millions of Americans being kicked off their health-insurance plans, it's clear things aren't going well for the ...
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Obamacare official: first website enrollment figures next week CNN Washington (CNN) -- Go to the Obamacare website now because "it has improved," with more people completing applications after a month of problems that ...
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Obamacare a boon for NZ tech firm New Zealand Herald Orion Health boss Ian McCrae says the Obamacare legislation in the United States is proving to be a boon for the New Zealand technology company.
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Obamacare supporters can't be distracted by opponents' clamor Houston Chronicle Supporters of Obamacare, including those who wish it had gone even further, believe that social justice requires government to give significant assistance to ...
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Obamacare clock is ticking for sickest patients WPTV They are supposed to gain regular coverage under the Affordable Care Act, which requires insurers to cover those with severe medical problems. But many of ...
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Obamacare and you: How much does Obamacare cost? Christian Science Monitor Many know that the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare's official name) offers ... First, you've got to figure out if you need or qualify for Obamacare at all. It's offered ...
The ObamaCare speech he never gave | New York Post admin It's now a matter of bipartisan consensus that President Obama should have been more honest and forthright in selling his health-care plan. Here is the transcript ...
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Virginia Governor Results Are Obamacare Referendum - Business ... Josh Barro Tonight, We Had A Referendum On Obamacare — And Obamacare Won ... (R) ran around the state saying his race was a "referendum on Obamacare.".
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Daily Kos: Cuccinelli's 'referendum on Obamacare' claims fly back in ... (Laura Clawson) Republicans really, really, really wanted the Virginia gubernatorial race to be "a referendum on Obamacare." They claimed that that's what it was so many times ...
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Daily Kos: We told you so: Obamacare repeal is a stinker of an issue ... (Joan McCarter) Was the Virginia governor's race really a referendum on Obamacare? Of course not. Exit polling that showed just 27 percent of people calling Obamacare the ...
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Hannity Helps Citizens United Launch Campaign Of Obamacare Lies Sean Hannity hosted Sen. David Vitter (R-LA) and Citizens United as they used Fox News as a platform to launch a campaign targeted at ending the so-called ...
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Jon Stewart tears into Fox News for 'lying like motherf*ckers' about ... Arturo Garcia Instead of attacking President Barack Obama and the Affordable Care Act on substantive grounds, Jon Stewart said on The Daily Show on Monday, Fox News ...
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Chris Christie Gives Unsolicited Advice on Obamacare: 'Don't ... Evan McMurry CNN's Jake Tapper spoke to New Jersey Governor Chris Christie aboard his campaign bus on election day Tuesday and asked if the brash GOP candidate had ...
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Ramsey Rages Against Obamacare | Pith in the Wind | Nashville ... Jeff Woods Lt. Gov. Ron Ramsey went on a rant against President Obama and the Affordable Care Act yesterday, telling reporters that the legislature will refuse to...
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The Next Obamacare Debacle: A Massive Doctor Shortage | Zero ... Tyler Durden While the Obamacare website rollout may be a huge slap in the face of government (in)efficiency and (dis)organization ( has now joined the ranks ... | |||
Hispanic Nonprofit Calls Out Politicians for Supporting Obamacare Washington Free Beacon Staff A grassroots Hispanic outreach program is launching an ad campaign to hold politicians accountable for supporting the Affordable Care Act.
'Crisis of confidence' in Obamacare - Jennifer Haberkorn and Jason ... Frustrated Senate Democrats laid into a top Obama administration health official today for the "crisis of confidence" in Obamacare created by the flawed rollout of ...
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McAuliffe Pollster: Cuccinelli's Obamacare Stance A Liability Geoff Garin, pollster for Governor-elect Terry McAuliffe, said Wednesday that GOP gubernatorial candidate Ken Cuccinelli's position on Obamacare may have ...
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The Hidden Marriage Penalty in Obamacare - Garance Franke-Ruta ... Childless couples and empty nesters pay more. Much more.
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Amid Obamacare furor, Obama, Biden meet with Democrats up in ... From Yahoo News: Vulnerable Dems get a White House pep talk.
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House panel subpoenas administration on Obamacare enrollment ... WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A House of Representatives oversight panel subpoenaed the Obama administration on Tuesday for internal reports showing the ...
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Morning Plum: Study suggests politics of Obamacare could shift ... Obamacare's rollout problems have hit the White House with a political double whammy. The problems themselves feed a narrative, justifiably, about ...
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CNN exit polls: Division over Obamacare, not so much on Obama ... Here are results of CNN's early exit polls conducted on Tuesday in New Jersey and Virginia: The economy How do Virginia and New Jersey voters feel about ...
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The sin of omission in Obamacare - Washington Post The problem of Obama's selling of his health-care law.
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Top Official Retiring From Agency Charged With Obamacare Website Top Official Retiring From Agency Charged With Obamacare Website ... agency charged with creating the notoriously glitchy Obamacare website, is retiring.
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17 Million Americans Could Get Obamacare Subsidies: Report Seventeen million people will qualify for tax credits to reduce the cost of health insurance under Obamacare, according to a report released Tuesday.
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